Courses Offered Total No of Semester Fees per Semester Total Fees for 6 Semesters (For First 3 Years.)
Consolidated Fee per Semester Scholarships Offered per Semester Net Consolidated. Fees per Semester for 3 Years Consolidated Fees Scholarships Offered for 3 Years Total Net Payable after Scholarship for First 3 Years
4 Years Under Graduate Single Major With Single Minor 8 ₹ 25200 ₹ 16700 ₹ 8500 ₹ 151200 ₹ 100200 ₹ 51000
4 Years Under Graduate Degree Multidisciplinary 8
4 Years BBA
8 ₹ 36700 ₹ 16700 ₹ 20000 ₹ 220200 ₹ 100200 ₹ 120000
4 Years BCA
8 ₹ 36700 ₹ 16700 ₹ 20000 ₹ 220200 ₹ 100200 ₹ 120000

*4 Years UG Degree with Honours (with or without research) comprise of 8 Semesters. The fees of First 6 Semesters (First 3 Years) are announces now. For the 4th Year comprising of last 2 Semesters; fees will be annouced later after considering the Guidelines of New Eductaion Policy of University of North Bengal.

# The Fees are to be paid before the each Semester.

@ One Semester normally comprises of 6 Months.

Security Deposit for 3/4 Years UG Degree Course

Rs. 10,000 Payable in 2 installments (Rs. 5,000 at the time of Registration and Rs. 5,000 at the beginning of Second Semester) The Security Deposit is refundable upon completion of the course only.

Registration Fees

Rs. 500 to be paid at the time of first Registration.

1 Year Computer Certificate Course under Career Oriented Program.

Consolidated Fee of Rs. 15000 to be paid in 2 installments (Rs. 7500 at the time of Registration and Rs. 7500 after 6 months of Registration).

Admission Fees

Admission Fees of Rs 10,000 is waived for the year 2024-25 Batch.